Lion Rolling Circus Freaky Family Metal Rolling Trays Lion Rolling Circus Freaky Family Metal Rolling Trays Lion Rolling Circus Freaky Family Metal Rolling Trays Lion Rolling Circus Freaky Family Metal Rolling Trays Lion Rolling Circus Freaky Family Metal Rolling Trays

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Rolling Trays

Lion Rolling Circus Freaky Family Metal Rolling Trays

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$ 12.99

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If you're tired of boring, run-of-the-mill medium rolling trays, you should consider buying Lion Rolling Circus freaky metal rolling trays. Each unit features an LRC freaky family member: Sexy Sadie, Ruby, Edgar Allen, Mr. Trampoline, & The Twins.

  • Tray Size: 11.0" x 6.0" inches
  • Variants: 5 Freaky Designs
  • Material: Metal